

Vanha Kilkkilä on perinteinen maalaistalon pihapiiri Tuhkalan kylällä Etelä-Savossa, aivan 5-tien tuntumassa Mikkelin ja Juvan puolivälissä.

Vanhasta Kilkkilästä löydät puutarhavierailullasi myös Tupakahvilan  paikanpäällä leivottuine herkkuineen sekä nykytaidenäyttelyn.

Hengähdä hetki rauhassa ja anna ajan kadota!


Olemme avoinna kesäisin.
Ryhmille (yli 10 hlöä) tilauksesta. Suljettu kesällä 2025.
Pääsymaksu 6e/aikuinen (sis. kahvin ja leivonnaisen)

Tuhkala – Vehmaskylä -tien liittymän paikka on vaihtunut.
5-tien liittymä Vehmaskylä tuo Tuhkalantielle.


Kesäkausi 2025

Vanha Kilkkiä on suljettu kesällä 2025.

Summerseason 2025

We are closed all summer.




Vanha Kilkkilä
Tuhkalantie 231
51760 Nuutilanmäki
050 400 5485

in english

Vanha Kilkkilä is a traditional southern savolax farmhouse.
It is located near the mainroad 5.
Distances are to Mikkeli 27 km , to Juva 15 km, to Savonlinna 75 km and to Helsinki 250 km.

We have a large countrygarden, cafe to visit in the summertime.
The admission fee to the garden is 6€ for adults, children for free.

Open only in the summertime. Closed summer 2025.


Please check our front page for updated open dates.
You´ll find us on Facebook and Instagram too.
Please don´t hesitate to send us email for further information.



There are many prehistoric signs of living until Scandinavian stoneage to middleage in Remojärvi area. In Kappelinpelto next to Vanha Kilkkilä there’s also been a long-time graveyard until 1600-1700.

Finland was part of Swedish kingdom in the 16th century when the King was fighting constantly around the Europe. The taxes got too heavy and the farmers started a rebellion called Nuijasota (1596-1597). When the King’s soldiers had stifled  the revolt  brutally they burned  local farms and villages as a revenge. It’s a local legend about how Tuhkala village got it’s name (tuhka – ashes, -la – a place, like village).

Vanha Kilkkilä has been farmed since 1561. In 1755 arrived the family Kilkki who named the farm Kilkkilä.  The farm was abbandoned at the beginning of  the 1980’s . The current owners bought the place in 2000.

The mainhouse is a typical savolax wooden countryhouse built of big logs. It has been mainly the same since 1853.
The other remaining buildings are the big storehouse (aitta) for grain and meet on the left side of the mainhouse, the stable (talli) where horses, carriages and sledges were kept on the right and the old sauna and the small shed (liiteri) for firewoods on the opposite of the mainhouse. The big cattleshield (navetta), sheds, barns and blacksmith’s shed (paja) no longer exist. Traditionally the Finnish country houses has been located to circle to protect the cattle from wildlife.

The fields have been organic cultivated for more than 30 years.